Why do we do that???
Hi people!!! how are you??? hope're fine...
I'm writing this text to think a little about all those things we do that are nonsense and we don't know why we do them....
For instance, in the elevator, why we have to talk about the weather with the person we share it??? Could it be to be nice to an unknown person, or because we need to talk in that situation?
I think is because we are very cautious in giving information about ourselves to strangers because we don't know who is he/she and if the information given would turn to ourselves in a way we don't expect.
Another example is when you say: "how are you?" and everybody answers "fine" or "OK", but when you start talking to that friend you discover he's no that well.
This recalls an answer a friend of mine used to give when asked the question: "I'm fine or you really want to know?" It was very funny because we always try to show we are in the best mood and in our best moment of our lives :P
Well, for today it's over, I let you think about it and ask you to respond to my thoughts in the comments, because I will never know if I'm in the right path if I'm not answered...
See you!!!